Replacement Tips:
- Elkmaster (Soft) $10
- LePro (Medium) $10
- Triumph (Medium with backing pad) $10
- Triangle (Medium Hard) $10
- Water Buffalo (Hard) $15
- Sumo (Hard) $15
- Everest $20
- Sniper $30
- Moori $30
- Kamui Black or Brown $30
- Kamui Black or Brown Clear $35
- Customer Supplied Tip $20
- Others may be available upon request
Replace Ferrule:
- Ivorine $30
- Aegis $30
- Juma $30
- Phenolic $40
- Fiber usually found on house cues $20
- Recondition # 1 (Clean, seal, and burnish) $15
- Recondition # 2 (Clean, seal, slight dent removal, and burnish) $20
- Recondition # 3 (Clean, seal, heavy dent removal, and burnish) $30
- Reduce shaft diameter and reseal (not resposible for warpping) $30
- Extra shafts made starting at $175
Cue Refinishing:
- Refinish wrapless or no wrap w/1 shaft $145
- Refinish with Irish linen w/1 shaft $145
- Refinish and maintain original wrap w/1 shaft $145
- Extra shafts with cue (up from the joint) $30 each
- Refinish shaft only up from the joint (not with butt section) $40
- Refinish only above the wrap (forearm) $50
- Refinish only below the wrap (butt sleeve) $50
- Repair damages to cue (call or e-mail for prices)
Irish Linen wraps: $45
- Many other colors not pictured available upon request
- Black w/ White specs White w/ Green specs
- White w/ Black specs Solid Black
- White w/ Double Black specs Black w/ Green specs
- White w/ Brown specs Black w/ Red specs
- White w/ Double Brown specs
- Brown w/ White specs
- *special color orders add $10
Other wrap services:
- Clean and repress existing linen $25
Leather Tips:
Layered (speacilty) Tips:
Give Larry a call @ 765-716-6756